Green Hippo
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Green Hippo



Formed in 2000, Green Hippo has grown from a specialist manufacturer of bespoke solutions to one of the leading players in the ever-growing field of scenic video. The company’s award-winning Hippotizer™ range is now in its fourth generation and can be found providing real-time video playback for television sets including Eurovision, The Academy Awards, and the Super Bowl halftime shows. Theatre spectaculars such as Love Never Dies in the West End, and American Idiot on Broadway utilise the system due to its flexibility during production periods and concert tours for artists such as Beyonce, Jay Z, and Madonna have proven its reliability out on the road. As a result of the boom in video as an integral part of all high-profile events from opening ceremonies to corporate shows, Hippotizer™ media servers now reside in the inventory of most of the major rental companies worldwide alongside an ever-growing set of owner operators worldwide. Based in London and Glendale, CA Green Hippo provides innovative solutions and support to users, distributors and installers worldwide.